financing costs

financing costs
затраты на финансирование

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "financing costs" в других словарях:

  • financing — [n] money for operating expenses costs, expenditure, funding, loan, matching funds, outgo, outlay, payment; concepts 340,344 …   New thesaurus

  • Deferred financing cost — Deferred financing costs or debt issuance costs is an accounting concept meaning costs associated with issuing debt (loans and bonds), such as various fees and commissions paid to investment banks, law firms, auditors, regulators, and so on.… …   Wikipedia

  • PACE Financing — PACE stands for Property Assessed Clean Energy. In areas with PACE legislation in place municipality governments offer a specific bond to investors and then turn around and loan the money to consumers and businesses to put towards an energy… …   Wikipedia

  • Federal financing for small businesses in Canada (grants and loans) — The Federal Government of Canada funds a number of programs and agencies that provide or facilitate financing for small businesses. Financing is available in the form of grants (sometimes called non repayable contributions ), loans, loan… …   Wikipedia

  • Creative financing — is a term used widely amongst real estate investors to refer to non traditional means of real estate financing, or financing techniques not commonly used. The goal of creative financing is generally to purchase, or finance a property, with the… …   Wikipedia

  • Bankruptcy Costs of debt — Within the theory of corporate finance, Bankruptcy Costs of Debt are the increased costs of financing with debt instead of equity that result from a higher probability of bankruptcy. The fact that bankruptcy is generally a costly process in… …   Wikipedia

  • Film and television financing in Australia — Film and TV financing in Australia over the past 30 years has involved a mixture of government support, distributor/ broadcaster involvement and private investment. To a significant extent, government policies have shaped the form and scale of… …   Wikipedia

  • Tax increment financing — Tax Increment Financing, or TIF, is a public financing method which has been used for redevelopment and community improvement projects in the United States for more than 50 years. With federal and state sources for redevelopment generally less… …   Wikipedia

  • Internal financing — In the theory of capital structure Internal financing is the name for a firm using its profits as a source of capital for new investment, rather than a) distributing them to firm s owners or other investors and b) obtaining capital elsewhere. It… …   Wikipedia

  • Owner Financing — When a property buyer finances the purchase directly through the person or entity selling it. This often occurs when the prospective buyer cannot obtain funding through a conventional mortgage lender, or is unwilling to pay the prevailing market… …   Investment dictionary

  • self-financing — /ˌself faɪ nænsɪŋ/ noun the financing of development costs, the purchase of capital assets, etc. by a company from its own resources ■ adjective ♦ the company is completely self financing the company finances its development costs, capital assets …   Dictionary of banking and finance

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